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 min read
June 10, 2021

10 Push Notifications Ideas That You Can Implement Right Now

Venkata Subramanian

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You have built a world-class mobile app with a spectacular interface. You have also employed every trick in your bag and cast multiple spells to get users to subscribe to your app. Well done!

But now what? Your job surely doesn’t end there. You have to keep them engaged and not let them knock on the doors of your competitors.

Push notifications are one way to promote engagement and build loyalty in your user base. Most businesses toil hard to make their users opt-in for push notifications. However, all their efforts go down the drain when the users leave them just because they weren’t kept engaged.

Most notifications are short (probably 2-3 lines). But that doesn’t make it any easier to create one. Coming up with fresh push notification ideas every day is quite overwhelming.

This is where this post might help as we take you through ten interesting push notification ideas to evoke value and engage users. Here are they –

1. Complete profile

User information is gold. The collected data helps to personalize user experience and keep them engaged. However, getting users to fill their profiles is a tough nut to crack. 9 out of 10 users will not complete their profiles due to the WIIFM phenomenon.

Try prompting them to complete their profile with push notifications. But be honest and tell them what they will gain out of completing it. Here is one way to do it –

Hi Bertha,

Welcome to Wine & Dine.

Complete your profile today & enjoy a personalized experience on our app.

If that doesn’t work, offer a small incentive to speed up the profile completion process.

Hi Bertha, complete your profile today to get 25% off.

2. Prompt users to continue using the app

Ever heard of anhedonia? It’s the loss of interest in activities that one used to enjoy before. We’re talking about a toned-down version of it here. People lose interest in using your product after some time, irrespective of how much they enjoyed it previously.

This is quite common in gaming applications. Some companies keep nudging users to level up and keep moving onward. For instance, Amazing Planet sends its users intriguing messages, encouraging them to keep moving forward in their gaming adventure. Here is a message from them –

“It is called “The World’s Most Important Room.”

Go inside the arctic vault today to uncover its mysteries.”

3. Tell customers about the features

Some users may be using only a part of your app. This is totally fine. However, it blinds them from understanding the full potential of your application. Who knows, they might even visit a competitor searching for a feature that was already present in your app that they never knew.

To avoid this scenario, you can encourage them to utilize all the features in the app with a push notification like this –

“Did you know?

Our photo sharing feature lets you share all your photos to your social media handles with a single click.”

4. Cart abandonment notifications

Cart abandonment is pretty standard in most businesses. The average cart abandonment rate is 67.91% which shoots up to 81% on mobile phones. Unfortunately, letting users go just like that might not just cost you a sale but end up costing a user in the long run. To prevent this, remind them about what they missed and see if they are interested in making a sale this time around. Here is an example –

“You’ve left a few items that you love with us. We are holding on to them. But not for long!”

It’s effortless to send an abandoned cart push notification with Vajro. All that you have to do is add a title, message, and an optional image/GIF to your push notification. We will take care of the rest!

Here is a complete guide on how to set up an abandoned cart push notification in Vajro

5. Churn risk notifications

Retargeting users and engaging them with incentives based on their churn risk level can help prevent churn and recapture their wavering attention. Here are three notifications that you can send based on the magnitude of churn risk –

  • Low churn risk “We’ve missed you! Check out our new winter collection.”
  • Medium churn risk – “We’ve missed you! Here’s 10% off on any product that you purchase today.”
  • High churn risk – “We’ve missed you! Use COMEBACK50 to get 50% off on your next purchase!”

6. Inactivity notifications

In fear of making too much noise, some businesses employ radio silence. They never send push notifications even when the users have subscribed to them. A big mistake!

Remember – if you fail to engage inactive users, you will be staring point-blank at a huge void in your customer list after a while.

When your users become dormant, they will forget the existence of your app and eventually end up uninstalling it. You need to beat the dormancy by piquing their interest with news on what they have missed. Offering some incentive like below also helps-

“Ad-free for the next 24 hours. Uninterrupted word-building fun can be yours!”

In Vajro, we have made it simple to create and manage an inactivity push notification. It’s very similar to an abandoned cart notification. All you have to add is the title, message, and an optional image/GIF.

7. When users are close to a physical location

Location-based notifications are highly relevant and personalized. They can help you deliver the right information to your customers exactly at the right time and place they need it.

Sending a push notification to a customer who is within a certain distance to your physical store location will ensure that they check out your store and complete a transaction. Here is a classic location-based notification –

Hey Jarvis, While you’re nearby, don’t forget to redeem your loyalty points at our store!

8. When users are in the  store

Rather than making your customers come in and wait to get served, you can use push notifications to let them know where exactly they need to head to get their desired solution. Such messages will not only save their time but also make them feel grateful for the assistance. This is quite common in large stores where it gets challenging to find an item. Here is a push notification that you might receive from such super-stores-

Are you ready to pick up your “Apple magic mouse”? Head straight to Aisle 3; we’re ready to help!

Also, when your customer is shopping in your store, you can send context-specific push notifications to them and drive sales. For example, you can send them a flash sale push notification like this –

Flash sale on women’s shoes for 2 hours only. Go check it out!

9. Reminding users about something they care

You can also use push notifications to keep your users in the loop on the status of things they care about and help them meet their goals. For example, Blush’s timely reminder will help users who have initially missed registering for the classes to register before it is too late.

Don’t miss this: Today is the last day to register for our free makeup webinar!

If you own a Fitbit, you may be used to receiving reminders (such as ‘time for bed’) on it. Once you specify your bedtime, you will receive consistent reminders about how close you are to bedtime.


It’s almost time for bed

What was initially a straightforward reminder for bedtime has recently evolved to push notifications that represent the benefits of getting enough sleep. Such messages encourage users to take care of their health and be loyal to the brand.

10. Status updates for maintenance and support requests

Push notifications are quicker than emails for sending information about support requests and the statuses of the tickets. It will keep your users updated about what’s happening on their tickets instantly. It will also remove ambiguity and make the entire process hassle-free for customers. Here is a sample push notification you can try –

Support has responded to your ticket; check out our response now!

That’s a wrap!

With these ten push notification ideas, you can keep your subscribers engaged, loyal, and on their toes. Keep experimenting with these ideas and send push notifications regularly.

If you are an existing Vajro user, here is a detailed guide on how to send push notifications to your users with Vajro. In Vajro, you can also customize to whom you send your push notification.

Vajro is hands down one of the best tools you can use to create fresh, engaging push notifications to keep your user base engaged. But all this after we help you build you a powerful mobile app with a rich customer experience.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with Vajro today.

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