E-commerce marketing
E-commerce marketing
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 min read
November 20, 2019

3 Content Personalization Strategies for E-commerce


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A customer’s decision to purchase a product from a particular brand is based on a number of factors. Amongst them, personalized content tops the list. Content personalization is one of the important ways that retailers can use to capture a customer’s attention in the retail market.  

Did you know that “Over 60% consumers demand that offers they receive be tailored to them and their interests precisely”?

Brands can lose potential customers if they aren’t personalizing their content during the customer’s shopping experience. Listed below are key strategies for content personalization that can help retailers overcome purchasing barriers, start conversations, and deliver memorable online shopping experiences for customers.  

Segment Visitors

Brands need to segment their target customer base for which they need to collect several information. It includes the current funnel stage, the most interested product, geographic location, and/or most used social media platform or channel. Based on this information, they have to create unique content for each segment.  

For example, segments can be created for new visitors who live in a specific city, for old customers, for visitors landing from Facebook ads, etc. Creating separate shopping content such as recommendations and push notifications for each of those segments can help connect with visitors instantly, and drive sales.  

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tags placed on the website help brands to track both paid and organic campaigns. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics can also be used to assess how each segment contributes to the success of the overall retail marketing efforts.  

Optimize Recommendations

Once a shopper shows interest in a particular product, brands need to engage with suitable content that goes beyond simple product recommendations. This means creating sophisticated personalized content on multiple pages of the online store to suit the shopper’s interest level.  

It’s also important to showcase additional/related product options to allow shoppers to explore other things they may be interested in purchasing. When this is done consistently, it leads to increased lifetime of the customer’s relationship with the brand.

Personalize Payment Experience

Research has shown that 28% of US shoppers have abandoned carts due to long payment processes. Therefore, it is important to create a positive payment and checkout experience for the customers.  

56% of customers expect different payment options during checkout. What starts as a motivation to buy can quickly end when the checkout phase gets complicated. Customers judge the convenience level based on how fast and seamless the customer interaction and payment process is.  

To remove any challenges that may arise during the checkout phase, retailers need to personalize the payment experience based on the buying stage of customers and the payment options most relevant to them. With better payment technologies now available, merchants can expect faster conversions and lesser cart abandonments.

These fundamental strategies for content personalization coupled with insights gathered from traffic analytics can help you deliver an awesome digital shopping experience for your shoppers. With m-commerce contributing to more than half the total e-commerce sales, retailers need to extend their personalization strategies to mobile apps, as well.  

Having a mobile app can improve customer outreach and drive more conversions faster. It also aids in sending personalized push notifications at the right junctures to accelerate sales. Vajro is a successful and leading mobile app factory catering to a wide range of retail brands across the globe. We help deliver an excellent mobile shopping experience to your customers. You can try Vajro free for 14-days. Get in touch with us for more details.

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