Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce
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 min read
May 23, 2022

7 Tips to Design Mobile Product Pages that Convert


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Let’s begin the post with some great news!

MCommerce is growing. And that too rapidly. The below growth trajectory of mCommerce between 2019 and 2025 confirms our claim -

Now, let’s get to the not-so-great news.

Even today, thousands of mCommerce business owners struggle to convert their app visitors into customers.

Now, what if we tell you there is a very simple way to solve this.

The solution to this overarching problem is - perfecting your product pages!

Yes, you heard that right. Your product page is a very important real estate in your app. It determines how long your customers are going to stay around and click on that decisive ‘place order’ button.

But where do you begin? And how do you design a product page that converts?

Let’s find out in this post as we bring you not 1 but 7 handy tips to design and optimize your product pages for maximum conversions.

Let’s roll.

1. Use only high-quality images

Images maketh the difference. You need to invest in high-resolution images for your product because it assures the customers about your product’s quality. It also helps them to achieve as close an experience to a brick-and-mortar store as possible.

Always use a bunch of images that showcase the product from different angles. If possible, include a short video or a 360-degree view of your product. Add a zoom icon to give the customers the ability to figure out the product’s features at close angles.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your images aren’t larger than the smallest smartphone screen. Scrolling down to see a complete image will not be a great experience for customers.

2. Visualize the content

Humans understand imagery better than text. This has been studied numerous times and proven by researchers across the globe. So it makes total sense to convert most of your textual content on the product pages to easily understandable icons and badges. For example, look how Amazon has made use of icons to describe the delivery, return, and warranty features of a product in their app. This is so much better than having a BIG paragraph replete with information that most users will skip.

3. Customers should be able to connect with you instantly

Despite providing all the information about your product and delivery conditions, your visitors are bound to have doubts about them. They will also look for answers immediately to continue with their purchase. No one is going to email you with their doubts, wait for a day to get the answer, and then go back to purchase the product. No. That’s not going to happen.

So it is extremely important to be available to them throughout their buying journey, including on product pages. So add a non-intrusive chat widget that’s sticky. It should be color-coded in alignment with the rest of the page.

If you are an existing Vajro customer, you can add a chat widget in seconds. Vajro is integrated with top chat applications such as Tidio, WhatsApp, Tawk Chat, Gorgias Chat, FB Messenger, and Zendesk. To know more, click here.

4. Keep the breadcrumbs prominent

Most people ignore the breadcrumbs while designing the product pages. They think it takes up unnecessary space on the app's product page. But breadcrumbs are extremely important because they help the visitors locate where they are presently and let them navigate to other pages. However, avoid long breadcrumbs by staying away from overcategorization. Have a simple hierarchy of categories and subcategories that will be linked to each other.

Pro tip: Keep only the most necessary breadcrumbs details and shun the rest. This will ensure that your breadcrumbs don’t get lost in the middle of other elements that may look similar.

5. Incorporate Reviews

App owners stay from reviews for 2 reasons. One, they fear that negative reviews can impact their sales. Two, it’s difficult for customers to view reviews on a mobile product page as there can be many. But the app owners are forgetting one important thing - reviews act as social proof. Without social proof, your customer won’t trust your product or your brand. Try to add functionalities like filters and sorting in your review section, as it will help the viewers seamlessly comb through the reviews and make an informed decision.

6. Upsell and cross-sell without being too pushy

The goal of your product page is simple - To make the visitor buy that product. But you don’t have to stop there. Many brands use innovative strategies to offer personalized product recommendations to visitors. Product recommendations might be a great way to up-sell and cross-sell your other products, but it is also important for the visitors as it will help them avoid the tedious process of navigating menus, product categories, and subcategories to view a product they like.

7. Make the add to cart button sticky

Add to cart button is the most important CTA on a product page. So it is critical to keep it as prominent and accessible as possible. You can achieve this by making it large and sticky. Visitors will scroll down to read all the information about your product, no matter how eager they are to purchase it. By having the add to cart button stay in one place as they scroll through the product page, you can improve the chances of them clicking it the second they’re convinced it’s the right move.

Look how H&M has added a sticky ‘Add’ button to their product page that is easily accessible to the users.


Sure, the number of shoppers shopping through mobile apps is on the rise. But that doesn’t mean you will experience the same level of success unless you make the visitor’s experience worthwhile. Follow the tips highlighted in this post to nail the design of your product pages and experience a shift in the number of conversions.

And if you are yet to build a mobile app yet, you can explore Vajro. We help build dynamic mobile apps in a few hours without writing a single piece of code. To know more about us, book an appointment now.

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