E-commerce marketing
E-commerce marketing
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 min read
May 30, 2022

7 Essential Elements Your Product Page Needs to Have


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Many app owners are living in the worlds of Hogwarts and Narnia, made to believe that having an awesome catalog is all it takes to sell well.

They snap out of this delusion only after experiencing a sudden drop in their sales and a rapid surge in uninstalls.

If you’re one of them, then here’s a little secret - Your catalog isn’t a magic wand.

One wave and everything sold. No, that’s never going to happen.

The catalog needs to be supported by a great-looking product page with all the necessary elements to draw customers in.

Now you may wonder why focus on just the product pages?

Simple. Product pages are a major touchpoint for your customer. In other words, it presents the best chance for you to make a sale!

So, the structure and the design of your product page have to be well-thought-out to achieve this.

Sure, the anatomy of a product page might differ from app to app, but there are some critical elements that should be a part of your product page no matter what you sell. Here are they -

Rich Images

Images are the soul of your product pages. The importance of good photographs cannot be emphasized enough in them. Images should highlight your product from multiple angles. The setting should be neutral, preferably with a white backdrop.

You can supplement these functional photographs with lifestyle photos and pictures of the product in actual use. More importantly, ensure that the images are rightly sized and have the zoom feature.

Here’s a sample image -

You can even consider having videos or 360 degrees images. It can focus on those aspects of your product that cannot be conveyed through images. For instance, if you are selling a mountain bike that has multiple dynamic features, then no amount of images or text can explain them. Videos and 360-degree images ensure that the visitors have an experience that’s as close to a physical store as possible.

The Perfect Product Description

There are certain features of a product that are hard to explain via images or videos. Take the case of the thread count of a bedsheet. A visitor to your website will not know how soft or smooth the sheet is just by looking at a video or an image. This is where a product description helps. It is nothing but the copy that is used to describe and explain the benefits of your product. The format of the product description can vary based on the brand but should ideally follow the below three rules -

  1. It should be skimmable: Presented in bullet points or a table for easy reading.
  2. It should be short: Not contain more than 4 sentences or points.
  3. It should be objective: An honest explanation of the product’s features and not an opinion.

Here’s an example of a well-written product description -

Lots of White Spaces

Surprised? We won’t blame you because we know that you already have a very limited space to work with due to the size of the mobile screen. But at the same time, white spaces are extremely important because it creates balance and can also be used to lead a visitor from one element to another.

So, keep your product pages quite light on the text. Use ample spaces between different elements to help visitors focus only on the key details, that too, one at a time. If displaying multiple images or videos for a product, try using a slider to reduce the amount of space used by thumbnails.

Here’s a product page with a lot of white spaces -

A Unique and SEO-enriched Product Name

When it comes to product names, the rule is quite simple. The clearer you are in terms of what the product is, the better it is for you. This doesn’t mean you substitute your product name for the product description. Nah. All that you have to do is write a sensible and unique product name that will help the visitor to understand what the product is all about in a single glance.

You must also know that product name and product descriptions are the two places where you can show off your SEO skills. So include the focus keyword in the name.  

Here’s a sample name that clearly conveys all the critical information about the product -

A Clearly Written Price

You may have attracted your visitor with an excellent description and beautiful images, but it is the price that will determine whether they will click the Add to Cart button or not. Ensure that the price is clear and placed right next to the name, preferably in the center. If you’re offering any special discount, ensure that you add it right next to the original price. Be brave and use a bright and eye-catching color to attract the visitor to the discounted price. The strikethrough price approach employed by this brand is also an excellent option to highlight the discounted price.

A Prominent CTA

There are three kinds of CTAs that you can include on your product pages -

  1. Add to Cart - Clicking on which will place the item in the shopping cart.
  2. Buy Now - Clicking on which will initiate the purchasing process.
  3. Add to Wishlist - Clicking on which will save the product for later purchase.

Out of these 3, the first 2 are extremely important and have to be quite prominent on the product pages. It should be in front and center, well-designed, and boldly colored to grab the attention of the visitor. If your product page is quite long (very common in most apps), then it is recommended to keep the CTA buttons sticky. It can be at the top or the bottom of the page.

Recommended Products

Recommended products are product suggestions given to the visitors based on the items they previously purchased or browsed. Since these products have been qualified based on the visitor’s existing shopping behavior, there are high chances that the visitor will make the additional purchase.

It can also be products that another user bought along with this product. Recommended products are best placed at the bottom of the product page, just above the reviews section. By the time they reach this section, they’ll know what they are buying and why. And when you show the additional items that will work well with the main product, there will be a cross-sell.

Here’s an example -

An easily accessible review section

Out of all the components in this list, this takes the last spot, not because it’s the least important, but because it comes at the end of the product page. Many app owners avoid reviews and ratings, thinking it can affect their sales. Yes, negative reviews can drive away some customers. But ‘no reviews’ can drive away all of them. Social proof is an incredibly powerful tool to attract customers to purchase a product. And reviews and ratings are the best way for a mCommerce app owner to show how legit their product is. Though the reviews are generally at the bottom, the usual practice is to show the ratings or stars at the top, along with the name and the price.


It doesn’t matter how good your catalog is; your app can never overcome a poorly designed product page. Your product page has three important responsibilities -

  • Provide the right kind of information
  • Build trust in the visitor’s mind
  • Get them to click that Add to cart button.

So design the perfect product page with all the elements highlighted in this post to connect with your visitor and convert them into a customer.

And if you’re looking to build an app, look no further. Vajro is an instant app-building solution that can help you build your dream in a few hours. Even better, you do not have to write a single line of code. To know more about us, book an appointment now.

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