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 min read
April 11, 2022

6 Tips to Create a Killer Logo for Your Mobile App


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Look at the below image. Tell us how many logos could you identify out of these 6?

Probably all 6 of them? Now, why were you able to easily identify the brand from these simple images? Because these images have been imprinted in your minds along with the brand name. In other words, these logos are the very foundations of that brand’s identity and evoke a sense of connection between you and the brand.

A good logo is very important for your app. Research reveals that people have around 80+ apps installed on their smartphones. So how do you differentiate yourself from the crowd? Through an eye-catchy, relevant, and memorable logo!

Your app’s logo helps to build a good first impression among your audience. The end users keep seeing your app’s logo every time they check their phone, improving your brand recall.

Now the big question is - how do you design a captivating app logo? This post is your answer as we bring you 6 smart tips to building a world-class logo for your app.

1. Find out the associations

Begin by associating your app with different elements. For example, find out answers to questions like -

  • What emotions should your app evoke?
  • What images and symbols should be added to represent the personality of the app?

Once that’s done, list out the keywords that best describe your app. For example, it could be playful, professional, helpful, simplicity, etc.

Note all these associations down and design an app that corresponds to them.

Remember the main objective of your app’s logo is to showcase the gist of your app and what it stands for.

Pro tip: Find out what kind of logos are used by your competitors. Take ideas from them, especially if their brand tone is similar as yours.

2. Adopt minimalistic designs

Be sure to create a simple and uncluttered logo for your app. Logos that have complex designs can make it difficult for your users to recollect and recognize them.

When it comes to colors, avoid picking more than 2 shades. Adding more hues will make your logo a ‘colorful mess’. The KISS philosophy has worked in favor of many brands like Apple, Chanel, Nike, etc.

But the colors and hues you choose must also go along with your brand identity. For example, the color green is usually associated with a brand that is eco-friendly or deals with green products. It might not be apt to pick it for a brand that’s selling meat.

3. Understand the special requirements of your industry

You should closely follow your industry for any particular standard it follows when it comes to imageries. For instance, if your app is associated with healthcare services, you should use a tone or elements prevalent in the healthcare industry.

The plus symbol is usually associated with health and can be one of the core components of your app’s logo. This is important because any audience can recognize what your app deals with, irrespective of their language and country.

4. It should be scalable

Scalability is a very important factor when building your app’s logo. No matter how beautiful your logo is or how efficient it conveys your app’s idea, if it doesn’t fit in different sizes like the other apps on the smartphone, your app will stick out like a sore thumb.

Also, remember - the more details the logo has, the more difficult it is to scale the logo. So adding a lot of texts and intricate emblems to the logo is definitely not recommended.

5. Adhere to the platform’s guidelines

It is also important to create a logo based on the platform(be it Android or iOS) in which you plan to launch your app. You should follow the guidelines set forth by these ecosystems and build the logo accordingly. While remaining unique, your app’s logo must fit the interface. So refer to the platform’s manuals before designing the logo.

Here are the guidelines you need to follow if you are building a logo for an Android app -

  • Size: 512px x 512px
  • Format: 32-bit PNG
  • Color space: sRGB
  • Max file size: 1024KB
  • Shape: Square
  • Shadow: None

6. Test.Test.Test

Once you have come up with the prototype of the logo, it is imperative that you test it under different scenarios. For example, find out how the app looks on different backgrounds, different sizes, and different devices. Uniformity is the key here, as the logo should look good in all scenarios.

After rolling out, you do not want your logo to look great only on one type of phone in one particular background color. Keep making incremental changes till the logo is perfect to be released to the public.

Wrapping up

And those are the top tips you can adopt while creating a logo for your app next time. A fantastic logo can create a powerful first impression with the end-users and evoke positive emotions in them. Designing the app’s logo the right way has a defining role to play in the marketing of your app and in conquering a large share of the market.

But before that, if you have a groundbreaking app idea but don’t know where to begin, give us a ring. We can help build an app on any platform of your choice without writing a single line of code. To book a demo with us, click here.

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