Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce
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 min read
December 6, 2021

Practical Guide: Selecting And Using Images For Your Mobile App


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Your mobile app is ready. The payment system is tested. It’s working perfectly as intended, and your delivery partners are all set to go.

Fast-forward a few months.

You are stuck in limbo, and your excitement has died down. You are doing fine, but you are unable to take it to the next level for some reason. You know your product is right, and you know there is a market demand for your product.

But cart abandonment is at an all-time high, and your ads have a low CTR. So, what might be the reason?

User experience (UX) is the buzzword in eCommerce right now, especially when it comes to mobile apps. It can make or break businesses, and one of the key elements that dictate user experience is the choice of images you use in your mobile app or online store. Images can catch the user’s attention and help differentiate your product or brand immensely. They also improve your mobile app’s overall look, feel, and functionality.

It is extremely important that you choose the best images out there in each section of your mobile app. In fact, a good product image plus a compelling product description is the winning formula for a functional and effective product detail page. So, let’s look at some of the key factors you must consider while choosing the images or pictures for your mobile app.

Use Relevant & Realistic Images

Here is the basic thumb rule - If the message you are trying to send out doesn’t match the image, it will confuse the customer. Moreover, it will make them question your app’s trustworthiness and reliability.

First, have a clear idea about your app’s goals and understand the context. It will help you narrow down the best and appropriate images for your app.

Also, you must be really careful in using images from stock repositories. They are easy to access, making them an exciting proposition for every online seller out there. But, by going down this route, you run the risk of looking extremely generic. And, in a dynamic eCommerce environment, that’s the last thing that you want to do. Likewise, if the image is a really popular one, there might be other apps using it already, which is never good for your brand image.

Take a look at the below snap. The image is extremely relevant and realistic; it communicates the message of the brand effectively and creates a positive connection with the customer in terms of its authenticity.

Bring Quirkiness to the Table

The main purpose of a mobile app is to perform a function and communicate with its users. It should also engage and excite them every time they open it.

You can use quirky and fun images in your mobile app to create this emotional connection. By using these types of images, you can also add a human touch to your mobile app, which is sure to delight the majority of your customers.

You can add a fun twist to your error messages and subscription forums. It sets you apart and creates a lasting impression on the customer’s mind.

Don’t Be Afraid To Use Different Mediums

The main advantage of photo content is that it provides excellent flexibility when it comes to the choice of medium. You can use different mediums like illustrations instead of relying on photographic images. Even though photographic images carry a specific nature, illustrations have the special and unique ability to match metaphors or abstract elements. Besides, illustrations have an aesthetic appeal that brings a fresh aura along with them. It will greatly help your mobile app create a positive connection with the user. Illustrations are meaningful, unique, and extremely eye-catching.

Use Only High-Resolution Images

You should always ensure that you use high-resolution images throughout your mobile app. The images should look good on any device across different platforms, from the home page to PDP. If your images appear pixelated, it will negatively impact the customer’s mind. Remember to go through Apple and Android’s developer tutorial before uploading images to your app. It will help you understand various aspects of image sizing, pixel density, and much more.

Why are high-quality product images important for your PDP?

  • They are the first thing your shoppers see
  • They help customers understand and analyze the product better
  • They boost your brand
  • They deliver a competitive edge
  • If executed properly, they lead to increased sales with fewer returns
  • They increase your brand’s social media visibility

Avoid Visual Overkill

When you start focusing too much on UX elements of your mobile app, it is quite natural to get carried away. Catching the user’s attention using eye-catching images is good, but it should not be at the expense of other elements. There must be a balance in emphasis so that the customer will eventually act according to your requirements rather than get lost and distracted by the image.


Images are the face of a mobile app. They set the tone for the entire customer journey. In the digital world, where the customer cannot see or feel the product physically, images play an important role in educating the customer and pushing them towards making the final purchase decision.

Using a picture, an infographic, or any other visual element in your mobile app will leave a positive impression on the customer. But you must be careful while choosing these images and follow the strategies listed above. Use relevant images, connect them with the app’s goals, stay in context, use different mediums, bring an element of delight, select only high-res images, and more importantly, don’t overdo it.

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