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 min read
August 6, 2021

7 Proven Strategies to Promote your Mobile App

Venkata Subramanian

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Getting your mobile app designed and launched is only half the work done. It’s not time to let your audience and potential customers know that you now have a fully functional mobile app for your online store. There are a few proven strategies that you can use to promote your app and drive downloads.

The success of your app depends on how well it’s promoted before, during and after the launch. Let’s look at a few tried and tested ways to promote your app!

Website Announcements

The easiest way to let your audience know that you’re coming out with a mobile app is to make an announcement on your website’s homepage. A popup or a banner telling your customers what they can expect from this new exciting mobile app that you will be launching. Make sure you start the announcement at least 3-4 weeks before your app is out to help build enough hype and awareness!

Email Announcements

Using your email list, if you’ve built one, to announce your app launch is a super effective way to get the word out there. Well-crafted emails tend to have a good 22% open rate and almost 3% click-through rate. This is a great number if you have a solid email list, and an excellent way to drive app downloads. Keep the email brief, explain what the app does, and include a download link. That should do the trick!

Social Media Marketing

Let your social media followers know with a series of announcements about the app. With great creatives and copies, you can pique the interest of your audience, maximize your reach, and get more app downloads! You can also run targeted ads on social media where you can direct people to your app store listing when they click on the CTA. Have a clear picture of your target audience, curate specific content for them to grab their attention! You might want to customize your posts according to the kinda platform to get optimal reach!

Referral Codes and App Discounts

Create a referral code and reward users who refer their friends to your mobile app in the form of points or discounts. This will encourage them to promote your app for you! You can also offer app-only discounts for when users install and login to your app. Announcing an offer for the first few installers will also grab your audience’s attention and get them to download your app!

Work on your ASO

App store optimization is the process of maximizing your app visibility and conversions in the app stores. The process involves keyword strategizing, store ranking, ratings and reviews, appealing store listing visuals and so on. The idea is to make the store as appealing and easily discoverable as possible for your target audience.

Tell Your Friends & Family

Identify friends and family in your circle that might enjoy using your app and approach them! They’d be happy to give it a go. This is a great place to start your networking and get early adopters!

Ask for App reviews

Social proofs are absolutely essential to keep the downloads coming in. Reviews and ratings improve your app’s credibility in the app store. Authentic reviews help you identify what exactly your customers like about your app, recognize issues, if any, and draw a more relevant audience to your store!

Promoting an app more often is a combination of different ideas and strategies that’s been discussed in this article. What works for others might not necessarily work for you. But once you figure out the pulse of your audience, it’s easy to figure out how you need to promote in order to drive more downloads!

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