Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce
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 min read
May 22, 2017

The relation between UX and your mobile conversions


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The gospel truth is that user experience (UX) dictates retain rates. Because if your mobile app glitches, loads slowly, or can’t be easily navigated, visitors will drop off before they can reach the end of the first page.

Now all the stats prove that the footfall on mobile devices surpasses that which comes through desktops; however mobile conversions straggle. Nonetheless, with mobile gaining prominence day by day, and with all the product research that begins on mobile devices, lots of companies are investing in improving their user experience. Each retailer is trying to add distinct features and functionality to stay abreast or stay ahead of their competition. So what do you have to pay attention to?

Just Responsive?

The responsive framework is excellent for websites that are viewed on mobile devices. It supports various types of content on different viewports. Load an image and a browser will handle the resizing. Users don’t have to scroll top, down left or right to view the contents of the page. It is a great alternative to mobile apps and worked wonderfully in the past.

But today’s mobile usage is not about shrinking content to fit a smaller screen. Especially with global MNCs like Facebook or Apple setting the bar high, the experience you offer should be easy, seamless and, most importantly, pleasing! Otherwise you will lose customers even before you have a chance to use your content to speak to them. It has got to be interactive and divine their needs before they themselves know it.

Performance is the Priority

As a mobile user you have noticed your own impatience when a website page took over 3 seconds to load. Websites on mobiles take precious seconds to load, losing you 40% of your browsers. If it takes 1 second the performance can be considered smooth. And if it’s immediate – e.g. 0.1 second – the response is instantaneous and the customer engagement becomes almost conversational. And that’s an impressive and effective way for mobile to push conversion rates. Worst case scenario, if you don’t have an app, employ a progressive mobile web. It straddles a website and a native app.

Either which way, it can help with richer experiences, stronger functionality, faster checkouts, and seamless movement between pages or actions.

The point of all this is…

You want good commerce, UX is like PR. It majorly influences conversions. It’s part of your branding. It needs to feel like human interaction with the phone. When customers feel looked after, they will remain loyal. Otherwise it feels to them like going into a brick-and-mortar with excellent products but a grouchy and unhelpful salesperson.

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