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Holiday Season
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 min read
October 18, 2021

4 Breakthrough Ways to Use This BFCM to Propel Your Rewards Program


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Online shopping and home delivery fell down as a life raft from heaven for several small businesses. Thanks to these channels, such businesses have not only waded through the pandemic but have also slowly started competing with the biggies like Amazon and Walmart.

But even then, the eCommerce landscape remains extremely cutthroat, urging retailers to put their best foot forward to march past their counterparts. In the past, businesses have used grand events like BFCM to offer steep discounts and snatch away the customers from other stores. Their sales volume suddenly shoots up, and they assume that they are doing a pretty good job in the market.

You must understand that BFCM is just a once-in-a-year event. Your sales volume in this event is no measure of how your year is going to turn out to be. Instead, use this BFCM 2021 as the seeds to grow something bigger, something that will help you sustain and grow in the long run. In simple words, instead of just focusing on short-term sales goals, connect BFCM with your most important long-term business goals to achieve them.

Whenever we talk about long-term, store, and business goals in the same sentence, 9 out of 10 times, we will be talking about customer loyalty. A loyal customer who makes purchases frequently is much more valuable than a bunch of random customers who make a purchase once and then vanish.

If you want to build a pool of loyal customers, then a rewards program is where you need to place your bets on.

What exactly is a Rewards Program?

In such a program, customers need to make an initial purchase for which they are rewarded (usually in the form of points or coins). The points can be later used to make subsequent purchases with the same business at a discounted price.

The benefits of a rewards program are plenty. For the retailers, two undeniable benefits are an increase in customer retention and a rise in repeat purchases. For the customers, it is an improved shopping experience. A study shows that 58.7% of internet users believe earning rewards and loyalty points is one of the most valued aspects of the shopping experience.

Let us now see how to use this BFCM 2021 to improve the count of customers who subscribe to your rewards program. Handy tips to boost the membership count of your rewards program during BFCM 2021

Use the customers’ FOMO

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are arguably the busiest days of the year if you are a seller. These are the times when customers are induced by a FOMO to get the best deals out there. This is also the perfect time to promote your rewards program by talking about how good a deal your rewards program is and what it can do for them now and in the long run.

An email campaign with personalized content is still the most effective way to communicate the benefits of your rewards program. This engaging email must have a simple title, a clear description of the different benefits of your program, and a registration link to make your customers instantly join the program. Send this email (or a series of emails) a couple of weeks before the BFCM begins. This is the time when people will be watching their inboxes with hawk eyes to find the best deals and offers.

Incentivize your rewards program

Create a system of welcome points that are offered as a gratification to a customer for registering for the rewards program during the BFCM sale. These welcome points can be used by the buyers to make their purchases during BFCM 2021. Your customer acquires instant value by completing a simple action, while you stand to benefit by getting more customers to join the rewards program.

Alternatively, you can use your rewards program to offer early bird access to certain products(at a discount) during the BFCM sale. Customers will definitely join your rewards program to purchase their favorite products before the rush begins and the products go out of stock.

Also, you can try giving points for liking and sharing your brand on social media.

Brand your Reward program

The theme you pick for your rewards program has a great effect on pulling customers towards your rewards program. Like any good ad campaign, you need to carefully pick the colors, the name of the program, the name of the various point tiers, etc. Ensure that the branding and the promotion of your rewards program revolve around Black Friday and Cyber Monday but also doesn’t deviate too much from your store’s main brand voice.

Visibility is the key

If your loyalty program is not visible, your customers will never know about it and thus never join. As a store owner, make your rewards program highly accessible both for new and existing customers to join. Having your program’s registration link (along with benefits) on every BFCM sale page (where your customers are more likely to visit) is one of the easiest and most effective ways to attract your customers to the loyalty program.

Additionally, you can send post-purchase messages to customers to thank them for their purchase with a link to register for the rewards program.

Final Thoughts

It’s vital that your brand continues interacting with customers beyond a BF or CM, and that’s where these rewards programs help. This Black Friday and Cyber Monday, build a band of loyal customers for your business using the power of rewards programs. Follow the tips highlighted in this post to ensure that you do not miss this opportunity this year in November.

When you use platforms like Vajro to build your eCommerce mobile app, you automatically get access to an array of solid reward program solutions like Rewardify, Marsello, Flits, to name a few. Use them to kickstart your rewards program (if you haven’t already) during this BFCM 2021. To know more about Vajro and how you can build the perfect mobile app for your online store, contact us now.

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