Simply Me Boutique added rich media to their push campaigns and saw a 53% growth in total orders and a 56% boost in conversion rates.

Step 3: Push notifications

What are push notifications?

Picture this: You’re running your errands, sipping your latte, when you hear a ping! Your phone lights up with a notification. It’s not any notification - it’s a tempting offer from your favorite Starbucks, enticing you with a limited-time deal. It captures your attention right away.
And you know what? That’s exactly how push notifications can work their charm for your boutique’s customers as well. They lure them in with irresistible offers and keep them engaged with all your store has to offer.
That’s why push notifications are so effective. They catch your customers' attention even when they’re not browsing your store.
So, what exactly are these push notifications? They’re short, pop-up messages sent to mobile devices that trigger immediate customer engagement.
They include everything you need to be convincing:
  1. Title
  2. Message
  3. Media
  4. Logos
  5. Your boutique’s URL
You can send push notifications for instant updates about new products, marketing promotions, sales events, and more.

Why do boutiques benefit from push notifications?

Boutique owners LOVE push notifications. And here are a few ways you can tap into these cool push notification features and drive growth for your boutique.

Rich media notifications

Text-based push notifications are already a powerful tool to engage with your customers and drive sales.
And it gets even better.
Push notifications that come loaded with catchy images or videos: Adding a GIF or a video to your push notifications is a great way to grab attention, convey more information, and drive deeper connections compared to text-only notifications. 
No wonder that adding rich media to your push notifications increases the click rate by 50%.
Whether you want to announce new sales, product launches, birthday discounts with GIFs, images, or videos, Vajro’s got you covered.
Vajro customer Simply Me Boutique added rich media to their push campaigns. And guess what? They experienced a 53% growth in total orders and a 56% boost in conversion rates. 

Plus, Vajro’s AI-powered feature can help you craft push messages in any tone of your choice.

Schedule push notifications

Look, we get it. You're juggling a thousand things as a busy boutique owner. Sometimes you may not even have the time to open the dashboard and send push campaigns daily. That’s where scheduling push campaigns steps in to save your day.
Scheduling allows you to plan and prepare messages ahead of time, ensuring consistent communication with your customers. It also lets you reach your audience at optimal times, maximizing engagement and response rates.
And with Vajro, you set it and forget it. Your campaigns will go out like clockwork. No more stressing over the details or worrying if your timing’s right. Our product is designed to handle it all, making sure your messages land right every single time. With Vajro doing the heavy lifting, you’re free to focus on what you do best—creating memorable experiences for your customers.

Missing Polynesia scheduled their push notifications and saw a massive 90% increase in mobile app revenue and a 67% increase in total orders.

Segment push notifications

When you tailor messages to specific segments, it's like giving each customer a personalized note. It makes the content more relevant and meaningful to them. So, when you target segmented customers, you’re hitting the bullseye with your marketing efforts. You’re reaching the right people with the right message at the right time. Whether you’re promoting the dashing long-sleeve top, dropping news about the latest denim jacket, or you want them to visit your store, segmentation is the key.
Vajro enables you to send targeted push notifications to customers, whether it’s based on their location or any segment you create on Shopify, such as your most loyal customers or those with a specific purchase behavior. This means, sending super-customized push campaigns to first-time shoppers, high-value customers, retarget high-intent visitors, etc.

Automate push notifications

You’re the proud owner of a boutique, where every piece of clothing tells a story and every customer is like family. But running a boutique isn’t just about curating the perfect collection, it’s also about delivering customer experiences that keep them coming back for more.
That’s where automation comes in.
Automated push notifications allow you to set up triggers based on specific events or actions taken by users. Such as when someone adds an item to their cart or makes a purchase. By doing this, you’ll send notifications at the exact moment when they’re most relevant and likely to create an impact.
When a customer adds that beautiful scarf to their cart and then gets distracted, you can step in with a gentle reminder. It’s all about engaging with your customers at various points in their journey, ensuring that your boutique stays on top of their minds.

With Vajro, it’s possible to send automatic push notifications to recover abandoned carts, welcome new users, and revive inactive users. You can also automate push notifications by creating dynamic segments that update automatically. This ensures that anyone meeting the specified criteria in the future will receive the relevant notification.

Case in point: The Pretty Hot Mess, one of our top boutique customers, automated their push notifications and saw a 308% increase in mobile app revenue alongside a 58% spike in returning customer rate.

How to set up successful push notifications with Vajro

To set up your push campaigns, follow these steps:
Read more
Step 2
Live selling
Step 4